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Catherine Smith

Certified Consultant


My Story

My Journey all started out because of a friend who sold Scentsy. I was always helping him with Scentsy and getting orders put together when they came and of course smelling new scents was my favorite job. I loved helping my friend it was so fun.  In 2012 Scentsy came out with Grace Adele and my friend came back from the convention with a  Grace Adele purse that was given out and  well I LOVED the purse. So it began I became a Grace Adele Independent Consultan. I was scared to death to have to go out and talk to people and sell. So, I sold some Grace Adele here and there and actually did well for a while, but I really like Scentsy and missed helping my friend. My friend had to move temporaily for work and I miss having Scentsy coming to my house and getting to help.              I went to  Scentsy Family Reuion 2013 and I saw how all of these people really are like a family and how awesome Scentsy was. I wanted to be like these people these regular everyday people like me. I met wonderful people and now I can say I have some new wonderful friends. After talking with one of my new friends who I connected with so well I was like I'm gonna do this I can sell Scentsy. I of course talked with my firend who I always helped and of course he said  go for it sell Scentsy. So it began I am now a Scentsy Idependent Consultant as well as still being a Grace Adele Independent Consutant.  Update Sep 2014:  Scentsy family stopped selling Grace Adele summer 2014. It was great while it lasted and brought me out of my comfort zone. I got to sell some beautiful purses,wallets jewelry and accesories to wonderful ladies.  It also helped me become more comforable with selling and helping me realize Scentsy is my true passion. Grace Adele it was fun! Jan 2015: Things have been great with Scentsy and I am having so much fun. Ive done a fundraiser for a cancer foundation and would love to do some more fundraisers. Ive started to do some basket parties which is so fun!  Im looking forward to another great year and hope you will be there to see what awesome products Scentsy has to offer.    

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